Password Reset Procedures
Original Document: TEAMS\IT Processes, Procedures, and Helpful Info (Team)\General\Files\Process guide to reset MTE passwords.docx
Process guide to reset Middle Tennessee Electric employee’s passwords

Step 1: Refer the user to MTE’s self-service portal with Okta at: The user will need to select either ‘Forgot password?’ or ‘Unlock account?’ as needed.
Step 2: If the user cannot access the self-service portal, look the user up on the Wire and call them back at a known good phone number.
Step 3: If the caller does not have a known good phone number, call the user back at their provided contact number and ask that they provide their employee ID.
Confirm the employee ID and document the call back number in the ticket.
Step 4: If the caller is unable to provide the employee ID, contact the employee’s supervisor at a known good number or contact the Security Officer to approve the password reset or unlock.
Step 5: Document every password reset, or account unlock in a FreshService ticket.